Adobe InCopy CC MP, Abo, 1-9 User, 1 Jahr, Produktfamilie: Creative Cloud, Produktserie: InCopy, Lizenztyp: Subscription Lizenz, Lizenzdauer: 1 Jahr, Rabattstufe: Level 1, Kundenart: Unternehmen, Privatkunde

Manufacturer Adobe
Manufacturer# 65304717CA01A12
Delivery date unknown
CHF 70.77
CHF 76.50 incl.
InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign - all without overwriting each other's contributions.

Date added: 2023-10-31 09:02:55 / SID: 1916848 / DID: 1617064